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World Mental Health Day

On Monday, it is World Mental Health Day, and this year, the theme (set by the World Federation for Mental Health) is 'Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'.  

We will be exploring this theme in assembly in the primary phase on Monday, and the Keeping Safe at Grove sessions (for secondary) during the following week will be based on mental health and wellbeing.  


When considering the issue of mental health, it is important to remember the impact parental mental health can have on our students.  I have attached an information sheet that summarises the definition of parental mental ill-health and the impact this can have on their parenting ability.  In my email to parents/carers today, I have also shared information about where parents/carers can seek support if they need it.  


This week, primary children started to explore the theme of Online Safety.  As a reminder, I will be holding Online Safety workshops for primary parents on the 18th October at 9:30am, and for secondary parents on the 11th October at 9:30am.


Next week the secondary Keeping Safe at Grove sessions will be focusing on peer pressure.  This is an issue we briefly explored in year group assemblies a few weeks ago, but it will be a good opportunity for students to have the chance to discuss further detail.  


On the 21st and 22nd November, an anti-bullying roadshow will be visiting Grove and will perform to all year groups to build on the sessions they took part in (on bullying) during the summer term.  I will send out a schedule for the day closer to the time.