School Clubs & Extra Curricular Activities

Breakfast Club will be recommencing for Primary years Starting on Monday 23rd January 2023 from 8am.

Breakfast club is available for secondary from 8am.  

For information on Secondary Clubs, scroll down.

Primary Clubs and activities

All after school clubs will run for a whole term.  

Once you have booked your child in for a specific club, they will remain in the club until March (Easter holidays). These clubs being offered are free, you can book a maximum of 1 club per child (if there is additional availability we will release more).

Collection is at 4:10pm from the main reception.  

Please ensure you are prompt when collecting your child. 

Late collection may result in your child losing their place in the club.

For further information about clubs, please submit an email enquiry to  


Updated clubs list Autumn 2023


Secondary Clubs and Activities

School Choir - Wednesday morning 8am to 8.25am, 2nd floor, music room.

Drawing Club - Every Wednesday & Thursday, during first break in room S102.

DT club - Every Wednesday morning and afternoon break, KS3 in room S104, KS4 see Mr Lear.

PE Clubs: Extra-curricular-timetable-HT2-202032024.docx