Curriculum Overview
At Grove Academy, we believe that every child should feel welcome, successful, and included. We have high ambition for all and are committed to the success of every child.
Curriculum Intent
At Grove we have designed a curriculum which is broad and balanced to meet the needs of our students. Our curriculum is based on two foundation principles – inclusion and aspiration.
This curriculum, from EYFS to Year 11 is underpinned by what we believe our school community needs to be successful: The Grove 5.
Our students will be:
Relentless Readers
Knowledge Retrievers
Critical Connectors
Quality Talkers
Active Learners
Our commitment is to give a voice and a platform to all of our students; to put the ladder down to the students’ starting points and move them to where they need to be to succeed and flourish in their school lives and beyond. We recognise that reading is the cornerstone of the curriculum, that is why it is the first of our Grove 5.
Our curriculum is designed to develop Active Citizens, Future Leaders.
Our rich and balanced curriculum offer provides a core academic suite of subjects. Alongside this, students will develop creativity and expression through practical subjects and the expressive arts. Our personal development curriculum is designed to prepare our children for the world ahead. They will experience self-worth and success and become thoughtful, confident, and responsible citizens that make a valuable contribution to society.
Assessment is central to our curriculum. Teachers regularly check students’ work and understanding, identify misconceptions and gaps in learning and provide effective feedback so that students are clear about the next steps they need to take in their learning.
We analyse a wide variety of information to identify any potential barriers to learning. Our teachers and staff are committed to inclusion and precision planning, using the information we have gathered to support and accelerate children’s learning. Grove students will demonstrate resilience and perseverance and believe that they can achieve their future ambitions.