MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)

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Curriculum Intent 

We aim to teach aspiring linguists to become independent, open minded, well informed people, who see beyond borders, their own background and experience and who are able to communicate and use their knowledge of languages and cultures to broaden their horizons.
We foster ideas of trial and error, resilience and creativity to reach success in MFL. We promote the idea that languages are for life and have the potential to open doors both in their mind and in their future.
Through a hybrid spiral-strand curriculum, students use skills and knowledge already learned in KS2 to build a body of language, grammar and skills over the course of Key Stage 3 and refine them at Key Stage 4.


In MFL we use a mixture of aspirational targets, as well as top-down differentiation and high standards and expectations for all students of all abilities and needs. We regularly re-visit skills and material for consolidation and extension. Students engage in a programme of study that covers a wide range of topics and skills and builds upon prior attainment and achievement. Students are not picked to study MFL because they are the best, languages are open for all. 

In MFL we aspire to use relevant, interesting and authentic material, linking to future and real world relevance as well as lessons. Activity is monitored regularly to ensure maximum engagement. 

All students build knowledge through a variety of teaching and learning styles and are regularly tested either through AFL, end of module/ continuous assessments, as well as more regular vocabulary/grammar tests. 

Each lesson always contains an element of literacy and numeracy through reading texts, comprehension activities, as well as instructions for activities. Students read almost every lesson and sometimes outside of lessons. The curriculum is reviewed through regular department meetings and assessment data at the end of each half term to see if the Scheme of Work needs re-structuring to ensure better engagement and progression for students. 

Students are also offered the opportunity to take an extra GCSE in available home languages at KS4. Training and support is offered in a 10 week course leading up to the exam period by the Head of Department and specialist language teachers.



The first set of KS4 data was pleasing with a good percentage of students achieving or exceeding their targets or attaining a grade 4 pass or higher. Speaking results were particularly pleasing given the impact of covid and students prior learning. Home Language exams were likewise very pleasing.

The KS3 experience is on an upwards trajectory and students have become more engaged with languages over the past 2 years. Academic progress is pleasing and roughly in line with similar cohorts national.

Current assessment data, observations made by Senior Leadership and students alike is showing a vast improvement in student engagement and progress. There is a growing culture of positivity, resilience and aspiration to succeed in MFL. Students are showing a good ability to work independently in all skill areas and across all year groups.

Information from the school behaviour system shows that students across the years generally show a positive interest in learning in MFL.

Subject Documents Date  
3 Is and Curriculum 21st Jul 2023 Download
Spanish LTP Whole school 2023 2024 03rd Jun 2024 Download